
I can't take the pressure to figure out what to say here:)

Saturday, September 23, 2006

The conference/class is finally over. I'm not saying that there wasn't good information (I did learn that I really believe in our mission statement) but 5 days is just too long to be in class. And then running back to my room if we had anything more than a 10 minute break (which was rare) just to see if there were urgent work emails I had to respond to...well let's just say I'm glad it's done.

A couple of the things we had to do:
-Make a "family" group name, logo and slogan
-Do skits at the end telling what we learned that week
Does The Office take suggestions for shows? because I thought that these would make excellent mockementaries.

We were supposed to go to the beach today but it's been raining all morning so I'm not sure what's going to be on the agenda. I did take the cutest videos of Aiden yesterday that some of you will have to humor me by watching:)


  • At 8:53 PM, Blogger Scott said…

    Score a conference on the west coast.

    Pacifico bottles and house margaritas will cure your doldrums !

    Or just an evening chilled out in a local dive.


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