
I can't take the pressure to figure out what to say here:)

Friday, December 29, 2006

New Christmas Picture of Lexi!

18 months

She kind of reminded us of one of those elves in The Santa Clause movie.

The quality isn't that great because I had to scan it in and save a couple times but you get the idea:)

Thursday, December 21, 2006

So I have been horrible at posting anything lately so here's a quick recap...
December Highlights
-Kt's 30th bday party: we all went to a nice restaurant we hadn't been to before, Quartino, and then went out for some drinks and "dancing".

-Hosted our "Friends Xmas Party": I was all excited about having the house decorated. I had the big tree from the previous post as well as the lights and garland over the windows with candles. I wish I had pics to post. After I get my new laptop, getting online should not be as big of a pain to upload pictures. It was cool to have everyone hang out before we all travel for the holiday.

-Saw the movie "The Holiday" with Jamie. We thought it was cute. For those of you who don't like romantic comedies, obviously not for you. But I like them, especially when they are around Christmas like Love Actually (one of my favorite movies). The only thing was it was weird to see Jack Black play a love interest. He was cute in a funny way but they would pan away from him when it looked romantic, which is funny in itself, cause they sure didn't do that with Jude.

-Watched numerous Christmas movies including White Christmas, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, The Grinch, and a few undisclosed made for abc family channel movies...

Tonight I start my trek to home and I'm looking forward to it. I already have a lot planned but all are going to be fun.
1. Becky and I get some girl time on Friday night
2. Another night of kareoke with dad and crew on the agenda for Saturday night
(I'll let you know if becky and I actually grace Clover Bottom bar with a duet)
3. Dad's side of family party on Xmas eve
(I'm refusing to play the White Elephant game this year, too much controversy last time we played, cousins getting mad, etc. I'm just saying no this year so I can stay impartial)
4. Candlelight service
(Last year I ran into a family I used to babysit for: they were 3 and 4 when I sat them...now they were like six feet tall and had brought their girlfriends...talk about feeling old)
5. Movie with mom and brother
(everytime I come home we go to the movies but what would help is if they hadn't seen every good one before I get there, hence the misfortune of sitting through Happy Feet over Thankgiving)
6. Day after Xmas shopping with sister
(yes, it's insane but it's also tradition and is how she buys me a present)

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Christmas Present!

I just found out that I'm getting this for Christmas!

Friday, December 01, 2006

All decorated: (yes, I did make the bow myself)