
I can't take the pressure to figure out what to say here:)

Saturday, September 23, 2006

The conference/class is finally over. I'm not saying that there wasn't good information (I did learn that I really believe in our mission statement) but 5 days is just too long to be in class. And then running back to my room if we had anything more than a 10 minute break (which was rare) just to see if there were urgent work emails I had to respond to...well let's just say I'm glad it's done.

A couple of the things we had to do:
-Make a "family" group name, logo and slogan
-Do skits at the end telling what we learned that week
Does The Office take suggestions for shows? because I thought that these would make excellent mockementaries.

We were supposed to go to the beach today but it's been raining all morning so I'm not sure what's going to be on the agenda. I did take the cutest videos of Aiden yesterday that some of you will have to humor me by watching:)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Half of my Boston trip is over.

Some fun parts so far:
-Taco dinner with the Browns/Wilsons and watching The Last Kiss with Ryan
-Watching Alex's soccer game
-Pedicure with Karen
-LeAnne and Art's wedding: it was really cool to see people I hadn't seen in a long time and meet new friends too
-The best breakfast food I've had in a long time at a place called Red's (I think)
-Seeing Reunion Christian Church's last preview service before they launch

The not so fun parts:
-Cheesy small group questions at the conference
-Getting up early and trying to stay awake through 2 hour sessions at a time

Looking forward to tonight:
-Ladies night out with Karen and Julie. They are coming to the conference center to rescue me for a few hours.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A few random things: I'm crazy busy at work trying to get everything done before my trip and I'm not sure it's all going to but I thought I'd just update on a couple things.

1. I made the mistake of telling one of my friends that I sometimes think cowboys hats are cute SOMETIMES. Now it keeps coming up with threats of said person pulling out boots and a belt buckle.

2. One of my coworkers may have been wearing a black bra with a white tshirt last week.

3. I had to drive to Napes a couple times recently and I admit to singing along with "Angel of the Morning" by Bonnie Tyler, a classic that James put on our road trip CD. If you don't know that song...well I'm not necessarily surprised.

4. At one of my recent staff meetings we had to brainstorm about what movie would be good to show young kids and one of the guys who is older and appeared to be all business suggested Sin City.